Algae Wall Cells
Explore the spectacular wonder, beauty, and diversity of algae as an intimate one-on-one experience with their interiors curated with work from several Algae Society members and for the Confluence exhibition. A cellular cabinet structure, inspired by seaweed cells otherwise invisible to the naked eye. These voyeuristic spaces play with our sense of scale and perception by inviting the viewer to peer into a world that’s bigger on the inside than what is perceived from the outside. Created from local cypress wood, designed by Gene A. Felice II and fabricated by Chris Perryman of Gold Splinter woodworking. Pine resin windows were created by Gene A. Felice II and tinted with spirulina and other natural pigments.

Works inside the cells include:

No. 1 – Reverberating Futures
This video explores human and non-human entanglements of wonder. From Hillary’s situated location – an island in the middle of the Pacific, Southern and Indian oceans, this work engages with narratives of the ocean. Created by Fiona HIllary
No. 2, 5, 7 & 9 – Red, Yellow, Green & Blue Algal Futures
A series of micro installations inspired by the primary colors of micro & macro algae Created by Gene A. Felice II
No. 3 – Cyanotype Impressions of the Atlantic Ocean in Maine
This animation follows Anna Atkins’ process for washing, pressing, drying and printing seaweed found in the ocean near her home in Maine. This work includes found plastic trash as part of the contemporary images, highlighting the similarities and differences between the seaweed and plastic trash. Created by Rachel Church
No. 4 – Desert Algae
A stop motion animation inspired by Dr. Juniper Harrower’s desert ecology research and Dr. Valerie Flechtner’s algal research in Joshua Tree National Park. In this animation, discover the algae that form lichen and soil biological crust symbiosis that add to the health of desert ecosystems. Animation collaboration with artist Benzy. Soundtrack by Jacob Harrower.
Adventures in Sargassum
The 3rd grade class of the Wilmington School for the Arts in collaboration with Gene A. Felice II, created a stop motion animation inspired by their class research on the Sargassum Sea and the organisms that live within it.
No. 6 – Cameron Pond Video Microscopy
Video microscopy from the Cameron Art museum pond, captured in collaboration with Dr. Catharina Alves-de-Souza from the UNCW Algal Resource Collection and Gene A. Felice II
No. 8 – Cyanovisions
A transdisciplinary project combining video and bioart to explore narratives of human identity, symbioses with other species, and our rapidly changing environment and bodies in an era of climate change. Created by Tiare Ribeaux
No. 10 – Bloom or Bust
a video of drifting images plucked from the internet reflecting an algal bloom as a rapid increase or accumulation in the population of algae in freshwater or marine water systems, and is often recognized by the discoloration in the water from their pigments. Created by Jennifer Parker