For three weeks Nadjejda Espinel Velasco will investigate the properties of sea ice, the sea ice growth, and the effects of these winter conditions for biology and chemistry in the Barents Sea. In order to study the  ecosystem the interdisciplinary team will do a wide range of measurements including  measurements of the atmosphere with weather balloons, at the surface and underside of the ice, in the water column and at the seabed. Samples of water, ice and seabed sediments will also be collected. Measurements of the water column are going to be performed to take a closer look at heat transport and mixing of water masses. Heat transport is also important for how much sea ice can grow, or how fast it melts. We need to take many measurements of ice and snow thickness, such as ice temperature, salinity and how the ice and snow attenuate the light in and under the ice.

You can follow Nadjejda on her expedition via twitter at

Learn more at the Norwegian Polar Institute